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Experts for Ground Protection & Safety

Green solution for construction sites, trackway mats as effective turf protection for tracked work platforms!

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Driving over wet turf with a tracked work platform without leaving unsightly marks sounds like an impossibility. But thanks to the innovative v:tek MINI, that is exactly what is possible!

The v:tek MINI is a technological tour de force that makes it possible to drive smoothly and gently over wet turf without causing any damage. 

The tracked work platform distributes its weight evenly over a larger area, minimizing pressure on the turf. As a result, the v:tek MINI literally glides over the ground, whether it is damp, muddy or sensitive. It leaves no marks and is gentle on the turf.

However, the v:tek MINI not only offers unique turf protection, but also high performance and ease of use. It is equipped with intuitive controls. With its impressive stability and reliability, you can get the job done efficiently and safely.

Whether you're working in landscaping, on construction sites or at events, the v:tek MINI is the ideal solution for driving over wet turf without compromising on quality. Say goodbye to unsightly tracks and rely on the performance and precision of the v:tek MINI.

This advanced tracked work platform makes the impossible possible. See for yourself how the v:tek MINI can help you get the job done while keeping your lawn in perfect condition. Invest in a ground protection platform that gives you a new level of flexibility and efficiency - the v:tek MINI."


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  • Fabio Burk
    Fabio Burk
  • Eva Wagner
    Eva Wagner
  • Daniel Schlaudraff
    Daniel Schlaudraff
  • Elias Pfeiffer
    Elias Pfeiffer