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Experts for Ground Protection & Safety

Paddock Plates for a winter horse paddock without mud

  • Mit den Paddockplatten PP60 ein Pferdepaddock im Winter ohne Matsch bauen 1 / 8
  • Vorher: Die ehemalige Wiese des Pferdepaddocks ist komplett ausgetreten und besteht nur noch aus Matsch 2 / 8
  • Vorher: Unten im Bild sieht man die Bodenmatte FF44 die selbst im Matsch noch gute Dienste leistet! 3 / 8
  • Schnelle und einfache Verlegung der Paddockplatten im bzw. auf dem Matsch und Unterbau 4 / 8
  • Die Neugier der Pferde war zu groß, während der Verlegung fand die erste Begehung der Paddockplatten statt! 5 / 8
  • Vom Untersatand bis zum Futterplatz wurde ein befestigter und sicherer Weg für Pferde und Reiter geschaffen 6 / 8
  • Die Pferde nehmen die Paddockplatten sofort an. Sie mögen den festen und matschfreien Untergrund 7 / 8
  • Das Verlegen der knapp 1kg leichten Paddockplatten war für alle ein Kinderspiel 8 / 8

Horses + paddock + winter = mud. This does not have to be! With the Paddock Plates PP60 every horse paddock becomes a mud-free paddock. See for yourself thanks to our customer's great series of pictures.

Horses can do magic, they turn a meadow into mud in winter

That's how you could describe it, if you want to describe it as positively as possible. Unfortunately, from the realistic perspective of a horse owner, it looks different. The horses are always wet, it is slippery and dangerous, and in frosty weather the danger of stumbling on the well-worn and then rock-hard mud increases.

Humans can also do magic, they shift Paddock Plates and solve the problem

This is how it must have looked from the horses' point of view when their proud owner and a few helpers laid the Paddock Plates on the mud without a base. Or how do you interpret the look on the horse's face during the initial climb. Here is the link to the video on YouTube: . In a flash, this transformed what was once a muddy landscape into a nice paved area. 

Which Paddock Plates to take? The agony of choice!

This question should also be familiar to many horse owners. Answer: Do you take grids, mats or plates? As always, it depends! Our staff will answer your questions, help with product selection and provide useful tips for your project. Simply contact us at +49 6462 91507-0 or

Typical questions when it comes to fixing a paddock

  • Do you use grids, mats or slabs?
  • Are the plates hard or soft?
  • Can I lay them without a substructure?
  • Can I lay them in mud?
  • What exactly are the differences?
  • Can the slabs be joined?
  • Are they non-slip?
  • Can they be anchored?
  • Is this then considered an unsealed area?
  • Can the surface also be deconstructed or relocated?


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  • Fabio Burk
    Fabio Burk
  • Eva Wagner
    Eva Wagner
  • Daniel Schlaudraff
    Daniel Schlaudraff
  • Elias Pfeiffer
    Elias Pfeiffer