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Experts for Ground Protection & Safety

Ground protection plates to protect the road surface of the A3 freeway near Aschaffenburg / Strietwald

  • Bodenschutzplatten zum Schutz Fahrbahndecke / Fahrbahnbelag der Autobahn A3 Aschaffenburg bei Strietwald während dem Bau eine Lärmschutzwand mit Fotovoltaik. 1 / 3
  • Bodenschutzplatten zum Schutz Fahrbahndecke / Fahrbahnbelag der Autobahn A3 Aschaffenburg bei Strietwald während dem Bau eine Lärmschutzwand mit Fotovoltaik. 2 / 3
  • Bodenschutzplatten zum Schutz Fahrbahndecke / Fahrbahnbelag der Autobahn A3 Aschaffenburg bei Strietwald während dem Bau eine Lärmschutzwand mit Fotovoltaik. 3 / 3

In the districts of Damm and Strietwald, the gap in the noise barrier to the A3 freeway has finally been closed after years of planning. The Autobahndirektion Nordbayern has approved the construction site for the erection of a 900 meter long photovoltaic noise barrier.

Construction of a noise barrier with photovoltaic elements

As a pilot project, a noise barrier with photovoltaic elements has been built on the A3, which has not yet been implemented in Germany. The necessary planning approval procedure, the invitation to tender and the awarding of contracts also took a long time from the point of view of the highway management. But then things finally got underway. After the pile foundation for the noise protection system had been completed, wall posts were erected onto which the innovative noise protection walls with integrated photovoltaic elements were lifted from the shoulder of the freeway.

Protection of the pavement and road surface with ground protection plates

For this purpose, it was necessary to protect the pavement of the asphalted hard shoulder from damage caused by the construction and crane work. For this reason the s:tek ground protection plates from Securatek were laid as a covering system and protective surface for the construction site equipment . 

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  • Fabio Burk
    Fabio Burk
  • Eva Wagner
    Eva Wagner
  • Daniel Schlaudraff
    Daniel Schlaudraff
  • Elias Pfeiffer
    Elias Pfeiffer